Journal Articles
- Hayakawa, Seisuke, & Miyahara, Katsunori. (forthcoming) “Empathy through listening”, Journal of the American Philosophical Association. [PDF]
- Miyahara, Katsunori, & Tanaka, Shogo (2023) “Narrative self-constitution as embodied practice”, Philosophical Psychology. doi: 10.1080/09515089.2023.2286281 [PDF]
- Suzuki, Keisuke, Miyahara, Katsunori, & Miyazono, Kengo (2022) "Who tailors the blanket?" Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 45, E213. doi:10.1017/S0140525X22000206
- Miyahara, Katsunori, & Segundo-Ortin, Miguel (2022) “Situated self-awareness in expert performance: A situated normativity account of riken no ken” Synthese 200: 192. doi: 10.1007/s11229-022-03688-w [PDF]
- Niikawa, Takuya, Miyahara, Katsunori, Hamada, Hiro Taiyo, & Nishida, Satoshi (2022) “Functions of consciousness: conceptual clarification”, Neuroscience of Consciousness, 2022: niac006. doi: 10.1093/nc/niaa018
- Miyahara, Katsunori, & Robertson, Ian. (2021). “The pragmatic intelligence of habits”, Topoi 40: 597–608. doi: 10.1007/s11245-020-09735-w
- Miyahara, Katsunori (2021) “Enactive pain and its sociocultural embeddedness”, Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20(5), 871-886.
- Cappuccio, Massimiliano Lorenzo, Miyahara, Katsunori, & Ilundáin-Agurruza, Jesús. (2020). “Wax on, wax off! Habits, sport skills, and motor intentionality”, Topoi. doi: 10.1007/s11245-020-09720-3
- Niikawa, Takuya, Miyahara, Katsunori, Hamada, Hiro Taiyo, & Nishida, Satoshi (2020) “A new experimental phenomenological method to explore the subjective features of psychological phenomena: its application to binocular rivalry”, Neuroscience of Consciousness 2020: niaa018. doi: 10.1093/nc/niaa018
- Miyahara, Katsunori, Niikawa, Takuya, Hamada, Hiro Taiyo, & Satoshi, Nishida (2020) “Developing a short-term phenomenological training program: A report of methodological lessons”, New Ideas in Psychology 58. doi: 10.1016/j.newideapsych.2020.100780
- Gallagher, Shaun, Hutto, Daniel D., Ilundáin-Agurruza, Jesús, Kirchhoff, Michael, Miyahara, Katsunori, & Robertson, Ian. (2019) “Minds in skilled performance: From phenomenology to cognitive explanations”, Annual Review of the Phenomenological Association of Japan 35: 1-20.
- Miyahara, Katsunori, & Witkowski, Olaf (2019) “The integrated structure of consciousness: phenomenal content, subjective attitude, and noetic complex”, Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 18, 4: 731-758.
- Miyahara, Katsunori (2016) “Missing out on the radicalism of neurophenomenology?”, Constructivist Foundations 11, 2: 368-70.
- Miyahara, Katsunori (2015) “Perceiving other agents: Passive experience for seeing the other body as the other’s body”, Annual Review of the Phenomenological Association of Japan 31: 23-32.
- Gangopadhyay, Nivedita, & Miyahara, Katsunori (2015) “Perception and the problem of access to other minds”, Philosophical Psychology 28, 5: 695-714.
- Miyahara, Katsunori (2011) “Neo-pragmatic intentionality and enactive perception: a compromise between extended and enactive minds”, Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 10, 4: 499-519.
Book chapters
- Miyahara, Katsunori, & Shimizu, Hayate (forthcoming) “Discerning genuine and artificial sociality: a technomoral wisdom to live with chatbots”, in Vincent C. Müller, Aliya R. Dewey, Leonard Dung, & Guido Löhr (Eds.). Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence: The State of the Art (Berlin: Springer Nature).
- Miyahara, Katsunori (2021) “Dreyfus and Zeami on embodied expertise”, in Karyn L. Lai (ed.), Knowers and Knowledge in East-West Philosophy (Palgrave Macmillan): 345–366.
- Miyahara, Katsunori (2021) “Body-schema and pain”, in Yochai Ataria, Shaun Gallagher and Shogo Tanaka (eds.), Body-Schema and Body-Image: New Directions (Oxford: Oxford University Press): 301–315.
- Miyahara, Katsunori, Ransom, Tailer G., & Gallagher, Shaun (2020) “What the situation affords: Habit and heedful interrelations in skilled performance”, in Caruana Fausto and Italo Testa (eds.), Habit: Pragmatist Approaches from Cognitive Neurosciences to Social Sciences (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press): 120–136.
- Gallagher, Shaun, & Miyahara, Katsunori (2012) “Neo-pragmatism and enactive intentionality”, in Jay Schulkin (ed.), Action, Perception and the Brain (Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave-Macmillan): 117–146.
Edited collections
- Miyahara, Katsunori, Robertson, Ian, & Kirchhoff, Michael (eds.) Topical Collection “Minds in Skilled Performance”, Synthese.
- Ian Robertson & Katsunori Miyahara (26 July 2021) "In praise of habits – so much more than mindless reflexes" Aeon Psyche.
- Katsunori Miyahara & Kengo Miyazono (18 May 2021) "What is it like to be a philosopher in Japan?" The Philosopher's Cocoon.
Scholarly publications in Japanese
- 宮原克典(2022)「徳倫理からのAI倫理を考える」『第36回人工知能学会全国大会論文集』.
- 鈴木啓介、宮原克典(2022)「身体的自己意識の認知科学」『生体の科学』第73巻、第1号、13–17頁.
- 宮原克典(2018)「メルロ=ポンティと認知科学」『メルロ=ポンティ読本』松葉祥一・本郷均・廣瀬浩司編、法政大学出版局、314–21頁.
- 宮原克典(2017)「事物知覚とエナクティヴィズム——どうして物を見ることが身体的行為なのか」『哲学』第68号、200–14頁.
- 宮原克典(2016)「エナクティヴ・アプローチにおける現象学の役割は何か」『現象学年報』第32号、3–12頁.
- 宮原克典(2016)「痒みの現象学試論:アトピー性皮膚炎の当事者研究の試み」『共生のための障害の哲学II』石原孝二・筒井晴香編、東京大学大学院総合文化研究科附属共生のための国際哲学研究センター、143–54頁.
- 宮原克典(2014)「〈見えにくさ〉の現象学:エナクティヴな知覚の科学に向けて」『モラリア』第20-21号、211–32頁.
- 宮原克典(2013)「『頭の外』で考えることはできるか?」『知の生態学的転回第1巻 身体:環境とのエンカウンター』村田純一・佐々木正人・河野哲也編、東京大学出版会、197–218頁.
- 宮原克典(2012)「他者認知の身体性:相互行為説の理論的価値」『哲学・科学史論叢』第14号、205–34頁.
- 宮原克典(2010)「知覚の行為性:エナクティブ主義と現象学」『哲学・科学史論叢』第12号、143–72頁.
- 宮原克典(2010)「メルロ=ポンティ『行動の構造』:著作解題」『メルロ=ポンティ――はじまりの哲学/哲学のはじまり』、河出書房新社、35–39頁.
- 宮原克典(2009)「知覚と概念――メルロ=ポンティ現象学を手掛かりとした非概念主義の擁護」『現象学年報』第25号、125–32頁.